Objective Category
Special Event Management: Parking Management

The objectives in this category focus on the use of parking management during special events to encourage a more efficient use of existing parking facilities and to improve the quality of service for users.

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Increase the number of special events that use shared parking facilities (e.g., parking lots of nearby businesses or organizations) by X percent in Y years. Number of special events that use shared parking facilities.
Increase the use of flexible pricing mechanisms near special event locations on X percent of parking spaces in Y years. Percent of parking spaces near special event locations that use flexible pricing mechanisms.
Increase on-street parking restrictions on X percent of widely used routes during special events in Y years. Percent of routes widely used during planned special events with on-street parking restrictions.
Decrease the time spent clearing special event venue parking lots of vehicles by X percent in Y years following each event. Percent decrease in time to clear parking lots.
Enhance parking facility services and management Number parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with automated occupancy counting and space management
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with advanced parking information to customers
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with coordinated availability information
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with coordinated electronic payment systems

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; Achieve a significant reduction in congestion
G. Promote efficient system management and operation; Improve the efficiency of the surface transportation system

Associated Service Packages

Service Package
CVO05: Commercial Vehicle Parking
PM01: Parking Space Management
PM03: Parking Electronic Payment
PM04: Regional Parking Management
PM05: Parking Reservations
PM06: Loading Zone Management


Planning for Operations Desk Reference

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.