
This data flow includes the contents of a store of information received from a miscellaneous group of traveler information service providers including media outlets, parking operators, event promoters, weather services, traveler services providers, as well as other traveler information providers (e.g. wholesale data providers). This data consists of the following items each of which is defined in its own DDE:

+ static_parking_information_for_traveler
+ dynamic_parking_information_for_traveler
+ parking_lot_availability
+ fevp-event_information_for_travelers
+ fm-traveler_information
+ weather_observations
+ weather_forecasts
+ road_weather_info_for_traveler
+ traffic_road_weather_data
+ travel_services_data
+ env_sensor_data_from_vehicles
+ fws-env_sensor_data_for_traveler
+ electric_charging_stations_data

Sub Data Flows

Parent Data Flows

Associated PSpecs/Terminators