Manage Emergency Vehicle Control

This process shall be responsible for providing the facility for the automatic control of vehicles that are reported as stolen. The process shall enable vehicles to accept commands for control of the vehicle from authenticated secure emergency processes. As commands to activate stolen vehicle recovery are received this process shall acknowledge receipt of the command to the managing center. This process shall then provide periodic status as to the security of the vehicle and the status of the recovery commands received from the managing center. When this process has received a command to begin to override the controls in order to recover a stolen vehicle this process shall transmit a signal to nearby emergency response vehicles including the identity of the vehicle and its status. This process shall initiate safe disabling of the vehicle by sending the appropriate controls for braking, steering, and throttle to the Process Data for Vehicle Actuators process. As the vehicle controls respond this process shall monitor the status of the vehicle and report its status to the managing center.

This process is associated with the Light Vehicle OBE physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: