Quick-Starting Your Regional ITS Architecture Update Workshop
PDHs: 8-16
![Workshops Icon](../../images/training/workshops.png)
Workshop Overview
This two-day workshop is intended for regions that are contemplating an update to an older regional ITS architecture. The workshop begins with training in ARC-IT and regional ITS architecture fundamentals. Building on this knowledge, participants learn how the architecture should be used in the region and develop a Concept of Use for their architecture in planning and project development. The workshop also familiarizes participants with their current architecture as they participate in a facilitated assessment of their current architecture.
Building on the concept of use and the assessment, workshop participants outline the architecture updates that are required, the architecture outputs that are needed to support the anticipated use, and a plan of action for creating the architecture update. Participants leave the workshop with a documented Concept of Use for their regional architecture, a comprehensive assessment of their current architecture, and a documented plan for their architecture update. This is not a training course, but rather an interactive workshop facilitated by the ARC-IT Team using interactive lectures, discussions, and group exercises.
An optional one-day workshop can be conducted that does not include the fundamental training and skips some of the interactive discussion about the region's plans to use the architecture.
Target Audience
- Public sector professionals responsible for regional or statewide transportation planning, regional ITS architecture development and maintenance, as well as those planning, designing or generating specifications for ITS projects.
- Private sector consultants under contract to the public sector for developing or maintaining a regional ITS architecture, ITS planning, and project development.
- No prior background in ITS architecture is required.
Workshop Objectives
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Document how your architecture will be used
- Understand your current architecture - its strengths and deficiencies
- Envision your updated architecture - improved content and better documentation
- Take with them a specific plan for your regional ITS architecture update