ISO 17426 Contextual Speeds


Intelligent transport systems -- Cooperative systems -- Contextual speeds

Document #

CEN ISO 17426


This document specifies the Contextual Speed Information Service 1) requirements to be fulfilled by the ITS Station (ITS-S) application processes of the vehicle ITS station, roadside ITS station, central ITS station, and personal ITS station that are required to instantiate the Contextual Speed Information Service; 2) communication requirements and objectives (profiles) using the methods defined in ISO 17423 to select the level of performance, confidence, and security for communication flow between ITS stations; 3) relevant functions and procedures provided by the ITS station facilities layer (see ISO 17429); and 4) messages, message set structures, content, and syntax.

Standard In Solutions

Standard In Profiles

Standard In Standard Bundles

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ISO 17426 Contextual Speeds

Hyperlinks to the standard are provided when practical, but may not be up-to-date as SDOs may change their websites without prior notice. The ARC-IT team will update hyperlinks with ARC-IT releases.