Roadside Communications Unit --> Other ITS Objects:
local ITS information relay


local ITS information relay (Information Flow): Local ITS information that is relayed to improve range, reliability, and/or performance. This flow is a super-flow; it does not define specific content since it represents any relay of 'local ITS information' using short range communications. See 'local ITS information' for more information.

Roadside Communications Unit (Source Physical Object): The 'Roadside Communications Unit' provides wireless communications between roadside infrastructure and nearby equipped vehicles. Communications with adjacent field equipment (including other RCUs) and back office centers that monitor and control the RCU are also supported. It provides basic radio communications supporting the lower layers of the OSI stack (TransNet and SubNet layers of the ARC-IT communications model). See also 'Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment' that extends the basic RCU radio communications functionality with a full communications stack and support for locally installed ITS Applications

Other ITS Objects (Destination Physical Object): Representing other ITS Objects, 'Other ITS Objects' provides a source and destination for information exchange between ITS Objects.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


None defined

Interoperability Description
Regional Interoperability throughout the geopolitical region is highly desirable, but if implemented differently in different transportation management jurisdictions, significant benefits will still accrue in each jurisdiction. Regardless, this Information Flow Triple should be implemented consistently within a transportation jurisdiction (i.e., the scope of a regional architecture).


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating High High High
Basis This value is derived from the specific flows satisfied by this super-flow. HIGH is set because some flows may require it. If the implementation includes flows with only a MODERATE or LOW confidentiality requirement, then this could be MODERATE or LOW, as appropriate. This value is derived from the specific flows satisfied by this super-flow. HIGH is set because some flows may require it. If the implementation includes flows with only a MODERATE integrity requirement, then this could be MODERATE. This value is derived from the specific flows satisfied by this super-flow. HIGH is set because some flows may require it. If the implementation includes flows with only a MODERATE integrity requirement, then this could be MODERATE.