
Increase personal safety ratings by X percent within Y years.

Associated Performance Measures

Personal safety and customer service ratings.

Service Packages that Support the Objective

PT05-Transit Security
PT11-Transit Pedestrian Indication
PT12-Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings
PT13-Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle
PT15-Transit Stop Request
PT16-Route ID for the Visually Impaired

Associated Goals

Achieve a significant reduction in congestion
Achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads
Improve the security of the transportation system

Planning Factors

B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users;
C. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users;
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight;


Planning for Operations Desk Reference

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.