ITS Roadway Equipment --> Surface Transportation Weather Service:
environmental sensor data


environmental sensor data (Information Flow): Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors is also included.

ITS Roadway Equipment (Source Physical Object): 'ITS Roadway Equipment' represents the ITS equipment that is distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway. This physical object includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, highway advisory radios, dynamic message signs, CCTV cameras and video image processing systems, grade crossing warning systems, and ramp metering systems. Lane management systems and barrier systems that control access to transportation infrastructure such as roadways, bridges and tunnels are also included. This object also provides environmental monitoring including sensors that measure road conditions, surface weather, and vehicle emissions. Work zone systems including work zone surveillance, traffic control, driver warning, and work crew safety systems are also included.

Surface Transportation Weather Service (Destination Physical Object): The 'Surface Transportation Weather Service' represents the providers of value-added sector-specific meteorological services. These providers utilize National Weather Service data and predictions, road condition information and local environmental data provided by traffic management or maintenance organizations, and their own models to provide surface transportation related weather observations and forecasts including pavement temperature and conditions.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

Solutions are sorted in ascending Gap Severity order. The Gap Severity is the parenthetical number at the end of the solution.

Selected Solution

AU: DMS and RWIS data - DMS and RWIS Comms

Solution Description

This solution is used within Australia. It combines standards associated with AU: DMS and RWIS data with those for I-F: DMS and RWIS Comms. The AU: DMS and RWIS data standards include lower-layer standards that define messages, monitoring and control of DMS and RWIS using SA TS 5719. The I-F: DMS and RWIS Comms standards include lower-layer standards that support communications for DMS and RWIS using SA TS 7519 via IP.

ITS Application Entity

SA TS 5719
Click gap icons for more info.


SA TS 5719

SA TS 5719

SA TS 5719

SA TS 5719
TransNet TransNet

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Access Access

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

ITS Application ITS Application

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Mgmt Mgmt

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Facility Facility

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Security Security

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Note that some layers might have alternatives, in which case all of the gap icons associated with every alternative may be shown on the diagram, but the solution severity calculations (and resulting ordering of solutions) includes only the issues associated with the default (i.e., best, least severe) alternative.


Characteristic Value
Time Context Recent
Spatial Context Local
Acknowledgement True
Cardinality Unicast
Initiator Destination
Authenticable True
Encrypt False

Interoperability Description
Local In cases where an interface is normally encapsulated by a single stakeholder, interoperability is still desirable, but the motive is vendor independence and the efficiencies and choices that an open standards-based interface provides.


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Low Moderate Moderate
Basis Little to no impact if this data is observed This data should be correct, as it may be used to establish safe speeds and determine road treatments. Updates are valuable only if they are timely.

Security Characteristics Value
Authenticable True
Encrypt False