Kind: Terminator

Class: Field

Type: Environment

Roadway Environment


'Roadway Environment' represents the physical condition and geometry of the road surface, markings, signs, and other objects on or near the road surface. It also represents the environmental conditions immediately surrounding the roadway. The roadway environment must be sensed and interpreted to support automated vehicle services. Surrounding conditions may include fog, ice, snow, rain, wind, etc. which will influence the way in which a vehicle can be safely operated on the roadway. The roadway environment must be monitored to enable corrective action and information dissemination regarding roadway conditions which may adversely affect travel. Infrastructure owner/operators can improve the roadway environment to improve the performance and accuracy of vehicle-based sensors that must sense and interpret this environment. Improvements could include changes in the shape, size, design, and materials used in signs, pavement markings, and other road features.

This physical object does not have any functionality defined in ARC-IT, as it exists outside the system functional boundary.

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Automated Vehicle Operations
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Autonomous Vehicle Safety Systems
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Curve Speed Warning
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Eco-Traffic Metering
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Eco-Traffic Signal Timing
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Intersection Safety Warning and Collision Avoidance
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Queue Warning
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Road Weather Information for Freight Carriers
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Road Weather Motorist Alert and Warning
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Roadway Micro-Prediction
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Situational Awareness
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Spot Weather Impact Warning
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Stop Sign Gap Assist
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low V2V Basic Safety
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Variable Speed Limits
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Weather Data Collection

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.