Kind: Subsystem

Class: Support

Type: System

METR System


The 'METR System' creates and maintains electronic versions of traffic rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that have official status and must be understood by all motor vehicle operators and intelligent vehicles that operate at higher automation levels. This system represents multiple authorities that operate at local, regional, state, and national levels and represents organizations that establish, manage, and enact the traffic code. Each electronic rule is approved, signed, and traceable to a specific rule-maker. Rules are independently verified. Any identified or reported rule discrepancies are analyzed, investigated, and addressed.

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


Source Flow Destination
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment METR application status METR System
Maint and Constr Management Center METR coordination METR System
Maint and Constr Management Center METR TCD discrepancy status METR System
METR Distribution Center system-generated discrepancy report METR System
METR Rule-Maker/Agent METR information approval METR System
METR Rule-Maker/Agent METR input METR System
METR System METR application information Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
METR System METR management information Emergency Vehicle OBE
METR System METR coordination Maint and Constr Management Center
METR System METR information Maint and Constr Management Center
METR System METR management information Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
METR System METR device status METR Distribution Center
METR System METR information METR Distribution Center
METR System METR feedback METR Rule-Maker/Agent
METR System METR information approval request METR Rule-Maker/Agent
METR System METR information Non-METR Distribution Center
METR System consolidated discrepancy report Other METR Systems
METR System discrepancy report details Other METR Systems
METR System discrepancy suppression information Other METR Systems
METR System METR coordination Other METR Systems
METR System METR information Other METR Systems
METR System system-generated discrepancy report Other METR Systems
Non-METR Distribution Center system-generated discrepancy report METR System
Other METR Systems consolidated discrepancy report METR System
Other METR Systems discrepancy report details METR System
Other METR Systems discrepancy suppression information METR System
Other METR Systems METR coordination METR System
Other METR Systems METR information METR System
Other METR Systems system-generated discrepancy report METR System
Personal Information Device METR discrepancy report METR System
Vehicle METR discrepancy report METR System


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 3 Moderate High Moderate Management of Electronic Traffic Regulations (METR)

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

While the METR System is shown as a single physical object in the ARC-IT service package diagram, the METR System is actually composed of many individual components that are systems in their own right that must work together to provide trustworthy traffic regulations for ITS. The following diagram shows the individual Level 3 Physical Objects that are represented at a higher-level in the Level 2 'METR System' Physical Object.

The following Level 3 diagrams show each of the individual METR Systems and their relationships as defined in the ISO 24315 series.

The physical diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagram
PNG Diagram

The first diagram shows centralized METR information distribution, which is the typical distribution method for traffic regulations. Centralized distribution is used for pre-announced information (e.g., vocabulary, jurisdiction boundaries, and established rules).

The physical diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagram
PNG Diagram

The second diagram shows localized METR information distribution, which is primarily focused on emergent rules and supporting data. Emergent rules are rules with little or no notice, such as those issued by police in response to an incident or rules issued for a work zone:

The physical diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagram
PNG Diagram

The third diagram shows discepancy management, which provides a feedback loop that identifies potential discrepancies between METR rules and other sources.