Kind: Terminator

Class: Center

Type: System

Rail Operations Center


'Rail Operations Center' represents the (usually) centralized control point for a substantial segment of a freight railroad's operations and maintenance activities. It is roughly the railroad equivalent to a highway Traffic Management Center. It is the source and destination of information that can be used to coordinate rail and highway traffic management and maintenance operations. It is also the source and destination for incident, incident response, disaster, or evacuation information that is exchanged with an Emergency Management Center. The use of a single object for multiple sources and destination for information exchange with railroads implies the need for a single, consistent interface between a given railroad's operations and maintenance activities and ITS.

This physical object does not have any functionality defined in ARC-IT, as it exists outside the system functional boundary.

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


Source Flow Destination
Emergency Management Center emergency plan coordination Rail Operations Center
Emergency Management Center evacuation information Rail Operations Center
Emergency Management Center incident information Rail Operations Center
Emergency Management Center incident response status Rail Operations Center
Emergency Management Center threat information Rail Operations Center
Emergency Management Center transportation system status Rail Operations Center
Maint and Constr Management Center maint and constr work plans Rail Operations Center
Maint and Constr Management Center road weather information Rail Operations Center
Rail Operations Center emergency plan coordination Emergency Management Center
Rail Operations Center incident information Emergency Management Center
Rail Operations Center rail incident response status Emergency Management Center
Rail Operations Center rail system status assessment Emergency Management Center
Rail Operations Center railroad schedules Emergency Management Center
Rail Operations Center railroad schedules Maint and Constr Management Center
Rail Operations Center work plan feedback Maint and Constr Management Center
Rail Operations Center railroad advisories Traffic Management Center
Rail Operations Center railroad schedules Traffic Management Center
Rail Operations Center railroad advisories Transportation Information Center
Rail Operations Center railroad schedules Transportation Information Center
Traffic Management Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Center


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 5 High High High Disaster Response and Recovery
Class 5 High High High Evacuation and Reentry Management
Class 5 Low Moderate High Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination
Class 5 Moderate Moderate High Transit Security
Class 5 Moderate Moderate High Transportation Infrastructure Protection
Class 4 High High Moderate Traffic Incident Management System
Class 2 Moderate Moderate Moderate Advanced Railroad Grade Crossing
Class 2 Moderate Moderate Moderate Railroad Operations Coordination
Class 2 Moderate Moderate Moderate Standard Railroad Grade Crossing
Class 1 Low Moderate Moderate Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch
Class 1 Low Low Low Weather Information Processing and Distribution

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.